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They Have Captivated the World
They can handle the Sahara, Siberia and the Himalayas. They help wherever they can. We’re talking about Tatra trucks! What should you know about them?

In 2020, the company celebrated its 170th anniversary. Its history was marked by world wars, occupation, totalitarianism and the Velvet Revolution. The traditional Czech car manufacturer Tatra is the oldest producer of road vehicles in the world and the second oldest producer of trucks. Dive into the world of the legendary Czech make with us!

The most important milestones
From carriages to the first automobiles
In 1850, entrepreneur Ignác Šustala’s company was established in Kopřivnice and gradually began to produce carriages and barouches. In 1882, the production of railway carriages was added. This was the beginning of the long existence of the factory which today bears the name Tatra Trucks a.s.

1897 and 1998
The creation of the first car and truck
The passenger car Präsident saw the light of day. A year later, a motor lorry also left the gates of the Kopřivnice factory. Its special feature was two coupled combustion engines located under the load compartment floor behind the rear axle.
The Tatra make
This year brought the birth of the famous Tatra make (until then, Kopřivnice cars were produced under the NW make - an abbreviation of the German Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau - Kopřivnice carriage building). It first appeared on TL 4 trucks for the newly formed Czechoslovak army.
The Tatra concept and Hans Ledvinka
The designer Hans Ledvinka designed a unique chassis system. It consists of a central load-carrying tube and independently mounted swinging half-axles. Ledvinka first used it on the Tatra T 11 and it is still the basis of most Tatra cars today.
The first areodynamic Tatra
The T 77 was the world’s first mass-produced passenger car with an aerodynamic pontoon body. Its introduction caused a sensation.
Backbone of the Czechoslovak Army
Tatra was successful not only in the passenger car market, but also in the freight car market, which it even produced in larger numbers than passenger cars. These were, for example, the widespread types T 27, T 72, T 82, T 85 or T 93, which formed the backbone of the Czechoslovak Army’s armament before the war. They were also used abroad.
Launching the Slovenská strela express train
In the 1930s, the Tatra railcar Slovenská strela was the most modern railway novelty of the Czechoslovak State Railways. Two units rode the rails on the line between Prague and Bratislava. The surviving railcar has recently been reconstructed and is once again running on the rails.
The birth of the legendary 111
The Tatra T 111 was originally built during World War II for the Wehrmacht, which used it on various fronts. It was the first heavier Tatra truck to receive an air-cooled engine and was produced until the 1960s.
An automobile for the chosen few
The T 603 limousine of graceful shapes was designed by Tatra employees without the knowledge of the communist rulers. In the end, however, they were grateful for it, because the imported Soviet limousines were of poor quality. The T 603 was also admired by visitors to the World Expo 58 in Brussels.
Successor to the legendary T 111
Unlike its predecessor, the T 138 added a number of comfort-enhancing features in the form of hydraulic power steering, air-pressure clutch booster and electro-pneumatic shifting. It has an important place in the make’s history.
Tatra with an Italian design
The design of the T 613 was created in collaboration with the famous Italian design studio Vignale, which also built a prototype in the coupé version, but the communists did not allow it to be produced. Special rescue and technical cars T 613 were even used during F1 races at the Hungaroring. The car was produced in various versions until the 1990s.
Tough and sturdy T 815
Tatra T 815 became the main and practically the only representative of its make among trucks in the 1980s. It was produced in many versions in both civilian and military makes, with production in the 1980s reaching up to 15,000 units per year. Tatra also began competing in the famous Dakar Rally with this type.
The end of production of passenger vehicles
The production of passenger vehicles had been a marginal issue for Tatra for decades. With the advent of Western competition, the Tatra T 700 luxury car had no chance of significant success, and thus ended the long chapter that began with the Präsident at the end of the 19th century.
Military Tatra with rigid portal axles
Tatra Trucks has developed the medium-heavy Tatra Tactic model series for the Czech Armed Forces as a replacement for the legendary but obsolete Praga V3S. It is the only current Tatra truck without the classic Tatra chassis.
Universal army special
Tatra Trucks has been producing Tatra Force vehicles since 2007, which are mainly used in the armed forces. They can also be found in rescue services and in demanding areas of the civil sector, such as construction, mining, forestry and special transport.
Modern road and off-road Tatra
The Phoenix model series is the core element of Tatra’s civilian heavy truck production programme. It is also produced in a military version. It uses a combination of the original Tatra chassis concept and engines and cabs from foreign manufacturers.
Tatra is back in Czech hands
Tatra, which had undergone several economic crises after 1989, returned to Czech hands. It was bought at an auction by entrepreneurs Jaroslav Strnad and René Matera, who literally took the legendary factory off the undertaker’s shovel and returned it to prosperity.
Heir to the famous T 815
The Tatra Terra model series is the latest successor to the legendary T 815, T 815-2 and TERRNo1. Terra is primarily designed for firefighters and rescue workers who need durable, simple and reliable vehicles for demanding conditions.
The most important milestones
From carriages to the first automobiles
In 1850, entrepreneur Ignác Šustala’s company was established in Kopřivnice and gradually began to produce carriages and barouches. In 1882, the production of railway carriages was added. This was the beginning of the long existence of the factory which today bears the name Tatra Trucks a.s.
1897 and 1998
The creation of the first car and truck
The passenger car Präsident saw the light of day. A year later, a motor lorry also left the gates of the Kopřivnice factory. Its special feature was two coupled combustion engines located under the load compartment floor behind the rear axle.
The Tatra make
This year brought the birth of the famous Tatra make (until then, Kopřivnice cars were produced under the NW make - an abbreviation of the German Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau - Kopřivnice carriage building). It first appeared on TL 4 trucks for the newly formed Czechoslovak army.
The Tatra concept and Hans Ledvinka
The designer Hans Ledvinka designed a unique chassis system. It consists of a central load-carrying tube and independently mounted swinging half-axles. Ledvinka first used it on the Tatra T 11 and it is still the basis of most Tatra cars today.
The first areodynamic Tatra
The T 77 was the world’s first mass-produced passenger car with an aerodynamic pontoon body. Its introduction caused a sensation.
Backbone of the Czechoslovak Army
Tatra was successful not only in the passenger car market, but also in the freight car market, which it even produced in larger numbers than passenger cars. These were, for example, the widespread types T 27, T 72, T 82, T 85 or T 93, which formed the backbone of the Czechoslovak Army’s armament before the war. They were also used abroad.
Launching the Slovenská strela express train
In the 1930s, the Tatra railcar Slovenská strela was the most modern railway novelty of the Czechoslovak State Railways. Two units rode the rails on the line between Prague and Bratislava. The surviving railcar has recently been reconstructed and is once again running on the rails.
The birth of the legendary 111  
The Tatra T 111 was originally built during World War II for the Wehrmacht, which used it on various fronts. It was the first heavier Tatra truck to receive an air-cooled engine and was produced until the 1960s.
An automobile for the chosen few
The T 603 limousine of graceful shapes was designed by Tatra employees without the knowledge of the communist rulers. In the end, however, they were grateful for it, because the imported Soviet limousines were of poor quality. The T 603 was also admired by visitors to the World Expo 58 in Brussels.
Successor to the legendary T 111
Unlike its predecessor, the T 138 added a number of comfort-enhancing features in the form of hydraulic power steering, air-pressure clutch booster and electro-pneumatic shifting. It has an important place in the make’s history.
Tatra with an Italian design
The design of the T 613 was created in collaboration with the famous Italian design studio Vignale, which also built a prototype in the coupé version, but the communists did not allow it to be produced. Special rescue and technical cars T 613 were even used during F1 races at the Hungaroring. The car was produced in various versions until the 1990s.
Tough and sturdy T 815
Tatra T 815 became the main and practically the only representative of its make among trucks in the 1980s. It was produced in many versions in both civilian and military makes, with production in the 1980s reaching up to 15,000 units per year. Tatra also began competing in the famous Dakar Rally with this type.
The end of production of passenger vehicles
The production of passenger vehicles had been a marginal issue for Tatra for decades. With the advent of Western competition, the Tatra T 700 luxury car had no chance of significant success, and thus ended the long chapter that began with the Präsident at the end of the 19th century.
Military Tatra with rigid portal axles
Tatra Trucks has developed the medium-heavy Tatra Tactic model series for the Czech Armed Forces as a replacement for the legendary but obsolete Praga V3S. It is the only current Tatra truck without the classic Tatra chassis.
Universal army special
Tatra Trucks has been producing Tatra Force vehicles since 2007, which are mainly used in the armed forces. They can also be found in rescue services and in demanding areas of the civil sector, such as construction, mining, forestry and special transport.
Modern road and off-road Tatra 
The Phoenix model series is the core element of Tatra’s civilian heavy truck production programme. It is also produced in a military version. It uses a combination of the original Tatra chassis concept and engines and cabs from foreign manufacturers.
Tatra is back in Czech hands
Tatra, which had undergone several economic crises after 1989, returned to Czech hands. It was bought at an auction by entrepreneurs Jaroslav Strnad and René Matera, who literally took the legendary factory off the undertaker’s shovel and returned it to prosperity.
Heir to the famous T 815
The Tatra Terra model series is the latest successor to the legendary T 815, T 815-2 and TERRNo1. Terra is primarily designed for firefighters and rescue workers who need durable, simple and reliable vehicles for demanding conditions.
Nejdůležitější milníky
Od kočárů k prvním automobilům
V roce 1850 vznikla v Kopřivnici firma podnikatele Ignáce Šustaly, která postupně začala vyrábět kočáry a bryčky. V roce 1882 navíc přibyla výroba železničních vagonů. To byl začátek dlouhé existence továrny, která dnes nese jméno Tatra Trucks a.s.

1897 a 1998
Vznik prvního osobního a nákladního automobilu
Světlo světa spatřil osobní automobil Präsident. O rok později z bran kopřivnické továrny vyjel i motorový nákladní vůz. Jeho zvláštností byly dva spřažené spalovací motory umístěné pod podlahou ložného prostoru za zadní nápravou.
Značka TATRA
Tento rok přinesl zrod slavné značky Tatra (do té doby byly kopřivnické vozy pod značkou NW – zkratka německého Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau – Kopřivnická vozovka). Poprvé se objevila na nákladních vozech  typu TL 4 určených pro nově vzniklou československou armádu.
Tatrovácká koncepce a Hans Ledvinka
Konstruktér Hans Ledvinka navrhl světově unikátní systém podvozku. Tvoří jej centrální nosná roura a výkyvné nezávisle zavěšené polonápravy. Poprvé jej Ledvinka použil u vozu Tatra T 11 a základem většiny vozů Tatra je dodnes.
První aerodynamická Tatra
T 77 byl první sériově vyráběný osobní vůz s aerodynamickou pontonovou karoserií na světě. Jeho uvedení způsobilo velkou senzaci.
30. léta
Páteř československé armády
Tatra se prosadila nejen na trhu s osobními vozy, ale uspěla i s těmi nákladními, které dokonce produkovala ve větších počtech než osobáky. Byly to například rozšířené typy T 27, T 72, T 82, T 85 nebo T 93, které tvořily páteř výzbroje československé armády před válkou. Uplatnily se i v zahraničí.
Uvedení rychlíku Slovenská strela do provozu
Tatrovácký motorový vůz Slovenská strela byl v třicátých letech 20. století nejmodernější železniční novinkou Československých státních drah. Ve dvou kusech brázdil koleje na trati mezi Prahou a Bratislavou. Dochovaný exemplář nedávno prošel rekonstrukcí a opět jezdí po kolejích.
Zrod legendární „stojedenáctky“
Vůz Tatra T 111 původně vznikl za druhé světové války pro wehrmacht, který ho využíval na různých frontách. Jako první těžší nákladní vůz značky Tatra dostal vzduchem chlazený motor a vyráběl se až do 60. let.
Auto pro vyvolené
Limuzínu T 603 ladných tvarů Tatrováci vyprojektovali bez vědomí komunistických pohlavárů. Nakonec za ni ale byli vděční, protože importované sovětské limuzíny měly nevalnou kvalitu. T 603 obdivovali i návštěvníci světové výstavy Expo 58 v Bruselu.
Nástupce legendárního modelu T 111
Model T 138 na rozdíl od svého předchůdce přinesl navíc řadu prvků zvyšujících komfort ovládání v podobě hydraulického posilovače řízení, vzduchového tlakového posilovače spojky a elektropneumatického řazení. V historii značky má své nezastupitelné místo.
Tatra s italským designem
Design modelu T 613 vznikl ve spolupráci se slavným italským designérským studiem Vignale, jež postavilo i prototyp ve verzi coupé, kterou ale komunisté do výroby nepustili. Speciální záchranářské a technické vozy T 613 dokonce zajišťovaly závody F1 na Hungaroringu. Vůz se v různých verzích vyráběl až do 90. let.
Houževnatá a robustní T 815
Tatra T 815 se stala v 80. letech hlavním a prakticky jediným zástupcem své značky mezi nákladními vozidly. Vyráběla se v mnoha verzích v civilním i vojenském provedení, produkce v 80. letech dosahovala i 15 tisíc kusů ročně. S tímto typem začala Tatra také soutěžit na slavné dakarské rallye.
Ukončení výroby osobních vozidel
Výroba osobních vozidel byla pro Tatru po desetiletí jen okrajovou záležitostí. S nástupem západní konkurence neměl luxusní automobil Tatra T 700 šanci výrazněji uspět, a tak uzavřel dlouhou kapitolu, která začala vozem Präsident na konci 19. století.
Vojenská Tatra bez nosné roury
Pro AČR Tatra Trucks vyvinula středně těžkou modelovou řadu Tatra Tactic jako náhradu za legendární, ale zastaralou Pragu V3S. Jedná se o jedinou současnou tatrovku bez klasického tatrováckého podvozku.
Univerzální armádní speciál
Tatra Trucks od roku 2007 vyrábí vozy Tatra Force, které se uplatňují především v ozbrojených složkách. Najdeme je také u záchranářů a v náročných oborech civilního sektoru, jako je stavebnictví, těžařství, lesnictví nebo speciální přeprava.
Moderní Tatra pro silnice i terén
Modelová řada Phoenix je stěžejním prvkem civilního výrobního programu těžkých nákladních vozidel Tatra. Vyrábí se i ve vojenské verzi. Využívá kombinaci originálního podvozku tatrovácké koncepce a motorů i kabin zahraničních výrobců.
Tatra zpět v českých rukách
Tatra, která po roce 1989 prodělala několik ekonomických krizí, se vrátila do českých rukou. Koupili ji v dražbě podnikatelé Jaroslav Strnad a René Matera, kteří legendární fabriku doslova sundali hrobníkovi z lopaty a vrátili k prosperitě.
Pokračovatel slavné T 815
Modelová řada Tatra Terra je nejnovějším pokračovatelem legendárních typů T 815, T 815-2 a TERRNo1. Terra je primárně určena pro hasiče a záchranáře, kteří potřebují odolné, jednoduché a spolehlivé automobily do náročných podmínek.
They Are Legendary
They have been a part of our lives since time immemorial
The history of Tatra is more than 170 years old and during this time it has become known to millions of people around the world. And especially here in our country. It is fascinating how the company has managed to survive even the most difficult moments in our history, including the great world wars. We played with the most famous models - in the form of plastic toys - as children.
Collaboration with the legendary Paul Jaray
Automobiles in the first two decades of the 20th century were relatively slow. But there were those among car enthusiasts and manufacturers who were eager to break speed records. An important pioneer of the aerodynamic concept was the engineer Paul Jaray. His ideas and thoughts were eventually used by Tatra.
Tatra in the air
During its long history, Tatra has been involved not only in the production of cars, but also in the production of aircraft and trains. The most famous Tatra with wings was the type T.101 from 1937. It achieved a number of records, including the prize for the longest flight of a Czechoslovak aircraft before the war, when Ján Ambruš and Vojtěch Matěna flew it from Prague to Khartoum in Sudan in 1938.
Hanzelka and Zikmund drove Tatras
In 1947-1950 they travelled to Africa and South America in a silver Tatra T 87. At that time, Jiří Hanzelka and Miroslav Zikmund had no idea that they would become legends for the whole world. In the late 1950s and early 1960s they made another journey. This time with two Tatras T 805.
During their first journey:
They travelled through
111 000
of which
61 700
km in Tatra 87
they took over
10 000
km of film
it took them only
Tatra wins the rally
Tatra participates in the Paris-Dakar rally and later in the Dakar rally:
Already since
it holds
absolute victories
it has stood
18 x
on the winner’s podium.
Not just advertising and image
The company uses its participation in the races to develop and improve its model lines. In 2014, a racing team with factory support was established - Tatra Buggyra Racing. It is one of the most successful teams in European truckracing.
The birth of the legend named Karel Loprais
The six-time winner of the Dakar Rally in the truck category started his career in Tatra as a worker and mechanic. By taking part in the testing of the Tatra T 815, he became part of a wider selection of crews and in 1988 he and his colleagues won the first Dakar victory for Kopřivnice Tatra. The T 815VD 4x4 from that year is now in the new museum of Tatra trucks in Kopřivnice.
Tatra was driven by the first Czechoslovak president
In the 1930s, T. G. Masaryk drove the legendary Kopřivnice 12-cylinder, which has been preserved to this day. The luxurious Tatra T 80 landaulet could reach speeds of up to 140 km/h. During World War II, Czech patriots hid it from the Nazis. Today it is a national cultural monument exhibited in the National Technical Museum and probably the most expensive car of Czech production.
They Are Unique
A unique chassis
Tatras are exceptional in many ways. Most of all because of the chassis with a central load-carrying tube and independently mounted swinging semi-axles which can be folded like Lego.
Air-cooled engines
Tatra is the only commercial vehicle manufacturer in the world to produce vehicles equipped with original air-cooled engines of its own design that meet the Euro 5 emission standard. Tatra is currently working on Euro 6 engines as well.
Customized cars
For Tatra, in addition to mass production of standard series, highly specialised production, including piece production, is equally important. The carmaker also supplies vehicles to customers whose requirements cannot be met by other manufacturers. These are powerful and durable vehicles precisely adapted to the required specifications for operation on the road and in any terrain.
Tatra Force
Tatra Force
Tatra Force
Tatra Phoenix Euro 6
Tatra Phoenix Euro 6
Tatra Phoenix Euro 6
Production from A to Z
Tatra Trucks is one of the few automobile companies to manufacture key components itself.
They Can Do Anything
Export to developed countries
After World War II, Tatra became the main manufacturer of heavy trucks for civilian and military use in Czechoslovakia. At the same time, it supplied tens of thousands of cars to many countries. Since the 1990s, the company has penetrated other markets, including the USA, Australia, Israel, Arab countries and South America, etc. Recently, it has received an order for more than 50 firefighting vehicles to Germany.
Application in the civil sphere
Forest industry
Technical and municipal services
Rescue and firefighting
Special technology
Unique test polygon
The Tatra test polygon is the largest test complex of its kind in Central Europe. Functional testing of vehicles of all types, comparative tests and presentations to clients are carried out here.
60 ha
overall area
22 km
of roads
5 km²
manipulation areas
What must they be able to handle?
Speed circuits
Road circuits
Off-road circuits
Special roadways
Water and mud fords
Tatras with firefighters and rescuers
Tatra Trucks has a strong presence in fire brigades almost all over the world. In recent years, for example, Tatra and its partners have delivered fire trucks to Israel, Australia and the USA. Recently, it has received orders to supply dozens of Tatra Force firefighting specials to the fire brigades of the German state of Brandenburg and dozens more firefighting vehicles of the same type to the Bundeswehr.
Tatras in the Armed Forces
Since the First World War
Tatra trucks have been serving in the armed forces since the First World War. Today, they serve in many armies on all continents. During the times of communist rule in Czechoslovakia, they were exported mainly to Warsaw Pact countries, the Commonwealth of Independent States and allied countries.
Symbol of the Czech Armed Forces
The tradition of Tatra trucks in the armed forces has lasted for more than 100 years. In 1919, it was the Tatra trucks that became the first trucks of the newly established Czechoslovak army. Coincidentally, they were also the first trucks from Kopřivnice to bear the Tatra name.
The vast majority of trucks in the Czech army are Tatras. How many are there?
In armies around the world
Tatra Trucks has been expanding in the military field at an incredible pace in recent years. In addition to the Czech and Slovak armies, the armed forces of Israel, India, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, as well as Indonesia, Brazil, Jordan and Ukraine are operating them in large numbers.
The most important military contract in recent years
Most recently, Tatra Trucks from Kopřivnice is planning to deliver hundreds of vehicles in standard and armoured versions to the Belgian army in cooperation with DAF. Belgium was the first Western army to choose a Tatra chassis for the complete rearmament of its truck fleet.
Tatra Tactic 4x4 2nd generation
TITUS - Tatra chassis
Tatra Tactic 6x6 2nd generation
Tatra Phoenix military
Tatra Force military
Tatra Force military
Patriot II - Tatra chassis
They Are Popular
They accompanied us through childhood
Tatra trucks became not only impressive film heroines in Czechoslovakia, but also the basis for the mass production of popular toys for children. In the 1980s, there was not a family whose children did not play at home with the immortal orange model of the Tatra T 148 dump truck. As a model for toys, Tatra trucks are still popular today.
There were folk rhymes about them
“If you study and become a rich man, you will ride a Tatraplan.”
“Tatra knows no brother.”
“Tatra knows no talibrother.”
(a variation that arose during the deployment of special combat Tatras in Afghanistan)
Nazi Killer
Popular American presenter and car enthusiast Jay Leno regularly comments on the best bits of his fleet on his show Jay Leno’s Garage. This includes over 200 famous cars. In a piece about the Tatra T 87, he mentioned that this model was nicknamed the "Nazi killer" by the Allies during the war. The car was very fast, but also very difficult to drive. For several Nazi leaders, driving this beauty was fatal.
As early as 1935, the Tatra T 77 starred in the big-budget Hollywood sci-fi film The Tunnel. The T 603 appeared in the film Three Wishes (1958) by Jan Kadár and Elmar Klos, in Jiří Menzel’s Pearls of the Deep (1965) and in the popular TV series We at the End of the World (1975). During the Cold War, they also appeared in Western films, for example in the dark film The Confession (1970).
The monster from Mad Max
The post-apocalyptic sci-fi film Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) broke records worldwide and won several awards. Interestingly, the Tatra T 815 had an important role in the film. Three War Rig tankers were built from three-axle 6 x 6 chassis, and raced through the devastated world in the film.
In famous music videos
In addition to science fiction films, Tatra has also made its way into international children’s film production. For example, the Tatra T 87 appeared in the animated film Cars 2 (2011). American singer Kanye West even incorporated a scene with a Tatra MTX V8 into his famous Runaway video.
Tatra Rides On!
Tatra engineers, together with other Czech companies and research institutions, are already working on a project for hydrogen-powered freight trains. Tatra is also developing autonomous vehicle control technology that will be used, for example, by rescue workers during operations in hazardous environments.
Are Photos Not
Enough for You?
The well-known Tatra Technical Museum in Kopřivnice has decided to specialize in Tatra passenger cars. In Kopřivnice, there is also the Regional Museum, which maps the beginnings of Ignác Šustala’s company, and therefore the beginnings of Tatra.
The New Museum of Tatra Trucks
Another museum dedicated to this make, which complements the Tatra Technical Museum, is currently being set up in Kopřivnice - the Tatra Truck Museum. The grand opening of the new museum of Tatra trucks is planned for autumn this year. Next to the museum, there is also a new exhibition depository of the renovated Slovenská strela railcar.
128 exhibits
The new museum will present this many exhibits, including a replica of the first truck from 1898.